How to write a book

After the red pen – a pain-free way to tackle beta reader comments

Last month I was preparing for beta reader comments on the manuscript of my third novel, Ever Rest. I’ve now received them, so I thought it might be useful to write a follow-up post for how I tackle them. I was very lucky – and relieved – that the verdict was overwhelmingly positive. The book… Continue reading After the red pen – a pain-free way to tackle beta reader comments

How to write a book

Ready for the red pen – how to prepare for comments on your book manuscript

I am at a nail-biting time. I’ve just sent the manuscript of my third novel, Ever Rest, to its first critical readers in the outside world. Soon I’ll receive their notes. I’ve been through this process many times, obviously. I know roughly what to expect – both from my own experience and my experience mentoring… Continue reading Ready for the red pen – how to prepare for comments on your book manuscript

How to write a book · Interviews · podcasts

Magic ingredients for a great plot – video and podcast at The Creative Penn

What is plot? What ingredients are essential, regardless of genre? How do we use themes effectively, and subplots? What makes a satisfying ending? Author-entrepreneur and heroic podcaster Joanna Penn invited me to her podcast to answer these questions and more – and as you see, at 33:47 you can be assured of authorly hilarity. You… Continue reading Magic ingredients for a great plot – video and podcast at The Creative Penn

How to write a book

Me, me, dear me: how to market your memoir (guest post at the Alliance of Independent Authors)

You’ve written a memoir. How do you market it? A few years ago I published a humorous travel memoir, Not Quite Lost. It was a real departure from my previous work and I had to look for an audience in places I wouldn’t have previously considered. It also turned into a huge and enjoyable adventure.… Continue reading Me, me, dear me: how to market your memoir (guest post at the Alliance of Independent Authors)

How to write a book

Your first pages – 4 more book openings critiqued at @Litopia by literary agent @agentpete author @anniesummerlee and me!

I’ve just guested again at Litopia, the online writers’ colony and community. Each week they have a YouTube show, Pop-Up Submissions, where four manuscripts are read and critiqued live on air by literary agent Peter Cox @agentpete and a guest, or sometimes two. This time the other guest was longtime Litopian Annie Summerlee @anniesummerlee ,… Continue reading Your first pages – 4 more book openings critiqued at @Litopia by literary agent @agentpete author @anniesummerlee and me!

How to write a book

Literary and historical novelists – your first pages: 5 more book openings critiqued by @agentpete @mattschodcnews and me!

I’ve just guested again at Litopia, the online writers’ colony and community. Each week they have a YouTube show, Pop-Up Submissions, where five manuscripts are read and critiqued live on air by literary agent Peter Cox @agentpete and a guest, or sometimes two. This time the other guest was one of Litopia’s longtime members, Matt… Continue reading Literary and historical novelists – your first pages: 5 more book openings critiqued by @agentpete @mattschodcnews and me!

How to write a book

‘Professors told me I was below average as a writer’ – how I made my writing career – Fredrick Soukup @21stcenturyfred

At college, Fredrick Soukup was told, many times, he was below average as a writer. That didn’t stop him setting his sights on a book deal when he left. Writing was what he wanted to do. He took fill-in jobs, sent work out, received hundreds of rejections, but his commitment paid off because his debut… Continue reading ‘Professors told me I was below average as a writer’ – how I made my writing career – Fredrick Soukup @21stcenturyfred

How to write a book · self-publishing

How much does it cost to self-publish? That depends

I’ve had an interesting question from Tom. A lot of authors that are self-published avoid the question of cost. How much does it cost you to self publish? I would think that a lot of writers that aren’t financially well off want to know this info. What a good question. To answer, I’d like to reframe… Continue reading How much does it cost to self-publish? That depends

How to write a book · Interviews · podcasts

Making my honest art – writing and publishing literary fiction: interview at @thecreativepenn

Today I’m at Joanna Penn’s now legendary podcast, The Creative Penn, talking about writing and publishing literary fiction. We cover the writing process for a very long-haul book (ie Ever Rest), the research process, creative revision, how you battle on when you’ve lost your way, and how you design a cover for a book that… Continue reading Making my honest art – writing and publishing literary fiction: interview at @thecreativepenn

How to write a book

Your first pages – 5 more book openings critiqued by a literary agent, YA author @AJ_Dickenson (and me!) at @Litopia

I’ve just guested again at Litopia, the online writers’ colony and community. Each week they have a YouTube show, Pop-Up Submissions, where five manuscripts are read and critiqued live on air by literary agent Peter Cox @agentpete and a guest, or sometimes two (this time we had longtime Litopia member and YA author Andy Dickenson… Continue reading Your first pages – 5 more book openings critiqued by a literary agent, YA author @AJ_Dickenson (and me!) at @Litopia