Life Form 3

A link to help you choose Amazon categories for your book. And Lifeform Three is… alive…

coverLF3Just a brief post as we all duck away for a thorough Christmassing. Lifeform Three is now up and alive on the Amazons and Smashwords. I’ve loaded it on Kobo and it should shortly be appearing there. Print proofs are in transit from CreateSpace, so in January I hope to have the feelable, giftable, signable, alphabeticisable, filable, decorative version … (Can you tell I prefer print books at heart? Our house hardly needs walls. It has bookshelves.)

I’m still trying to work out which Amazon categories would suit it best. If you pick your categories cleverly you maximise your chances of being seen by casual browsers. In one respect Lifeform Three is science fiction, but early reviewers are making comparisons with Ray Bradbury, Margaret Atwood and Kazuo Ishiguro – all very lovely, but it’s not what most people imagine by the term SF. It’s now possible to fine-tune your book’s categories on KDP by inputting keywords in your descriptive tags, so I’m going to be doing some experimenting in the next few weeks. In case you’re interested, here’s a handy link with a full list of those magic words that could get you wider exposure.

And Lifeform Three now has a website – an online home I can put on my Moo cards (also on the to-do list). At the moment it’s a mere page but I’ll be adding to it. So if my remarks about misty woods, whispering memories and lost doors have got you curious about the story, seek the synopsis on its website or at Amazon.

lf3screenMerry everything, and I’ll be back soon with a writing post!

9 thoughts on “A link to help you choose Amazon categories for your book. And Lifeform Three is… alive…

  1. Congrats Roz! Will read very soon, I promise (mother-in-law had heart surgery yesterday, so it’s been a bit hectic here). Merry Xmas and festive greetings to all. May all our books do better than 50 shades (in sales, not acclaim!) next year.

  2. Hi Roz, congratulations and it’s reassuring how long it took you to get to this stage. I’ll keep an eye out for the print version (still very much in the dark age… I guess that should be victorian…)

  3. I just finished Lifeform Three and I LOVE it!!!!! My review is here and I’m just about to add the review to Amazon and Goodreads. After that, I’m going to get your first novel because I am now a committed fan of your writing. Thank you for a truly wonderful story.

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